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Recordings of re>≡CAP 2022

TL;DR: Watch the records of the 3rd edition of the “reCAP (un)conference on the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model”, hosted on 1st und 2nd of June 2022.

For the first time the speakers were invited on-site to Sankt-Leon/Rot in Germany.

Welcome Words by Daniel J. Hutzel and DJ Adams, kicking the event.

1st Session:

Marius Obert: Let CAP talk to your users

2nd Session:
Jorg Thuijls: Power up your CAP with the open source Firebase alternative

3rd Session:

Martin Stenzig: Geospatial breadcrumbs through CAP

4th Session: 

Richard Lindner: Easy maintenance for multi-tenancy BTP apps

5th Session:

Leo van Hengel: CAP with Remix

6th Session:
Christian Georgi: Grow your app with latest CAP Tools

7th Session:

Mariana Naboka: IntelliSense for UI annotations in CAP CDS

8th Session:

Sebastian Esch: Digital Services for Customers with CAP – Highlights & Challenges

Day 2

1st Session:

Nick Josipovic: Key User Extensibility with CAP and UI5 Flex Adaptations

2nd Session:

Tim Back, Yuval Anafi: Develop CAP applications – The low code way

3rd Session:

Gregor Wolf: CAP with PostgreSQL on multiple platforms

4th Session:

Maximilian Hartig: onPrem to Cloud and return – CAP with DB2, Podman, OIDC and LDAP

5th Session:

Robin de Silva Jayasinghe: Supercharge your CAP Java Development with Spring Boot Developer

6th Session:

Christian Kolbowski: It’s never been easier to create an SAP Fiori app for your CAP pr

7th Session:

Petr Plenkov, Artem Maltsev: Running SAP CAP applications in a private Kubernetes cluster

8th Session:

Edgar Derksen: saas public data provider for health insurance using CAP