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Recordings of reCAP online 2020

TL;DR: Watch the records of the “reCAP (un)conference on the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model”, hosted on 15th of May 2020.

In May 2020, j&s-soft GmbH made it happen: We hosted the “reCAP (un)conference on the SAP Cloud Application Programming
Model” establishing the link between the CAP-Community and the CAP Dev-Team! We were blessed with state of the art information and hands-on coding
sessions by great lecturers including Daniel Hutzel, the CAP-inventor himself.
We are quite sorry if you missed it – but don’t worry. Today, we want to share the recordings with you so you can catch up! 🙂

Welcome words by Volker Buzek and kicking off the event.

1st Session:

DJ Adams: Opening the show

DJ Adams is opening up the show, rightfully praising CAP and Daniel.

2nd Session:

Daniel Hutzel: CAPdate (Keynote)

Keynote – by Daniel Hutzel, showing where CAP is heading and what to expect. 

Including an extra sneak preview by Sebastian van Syckel for custom persistence adapters in CAP!

3rd Session:

David Kunz: Service Consumption, Messaging and Eventing

David Kunz demonstrating messaging, eventing and consumpting an external (OData) service.

4th Session: 

Mariana Naboka, Marcel Wächter: Simplify Development of your Fiori Apps with SAP Fiori elements and SAP Fiori tools

Mariana Naboka and Marcel Wächter providing hands-on with the new Fiori tools VS Code-/Business Application Studio-Plugin.

5th Session:

Marc Becker, Adrian Görler: The new modularized CAP Java

An in-depth look and coding examples for CAP Java by Marc Becker and Adrian Görler.

6th Session:

Vitaly Kozyura, Matthias Schur: One query language to rule them all

The fluent API of CAP as demoed by Vitaly Kozyura (for Node.js) and Matthias Schur (for Java).